Laura Jarrett Opens Up About Motherhood and New ‘Saturday TODAY’ Co-Anchor Role

Laura Jarrett is no stranger to the fast-paced world of news journalism. As NBC News’ Senior Legal Correspondent, she has been at the forefront of major legal stories, covering everything from high-profile murder trials to presidential impeachments. However, the recent shift in her career, coupled with her role as a mother of two, has brought a new dimension to her life, both professionally and personally.

A Year of Significant Changes

For Jarrett, the past year has been nothing short of a whirlwind. With the birth of her second child, June Tahay, and her transition to co-anchor of “Saturday TODAY,” life has been bustling. “It’s been an incredible year of growth, challenges, and joy,” Jarrett shares. Her journey through motherhood, intertwined with her evolving career, showcases a side of her that the audience has yet to fully see.

Balancing Act: Motherhood and Career

Balancing a high-profile job and motherhood is no easy feat, yet Jarrett approaches it with grace and determination. “Balancing the demands of a busy news cycle with raising two young kids is challenging, but it’s also incredibly rewarding,” she says. Her son James, 4, and daughter June, 13 months, have been her source of strength and motivation. The transition to a “totally different change of pace on Saturdays” is something she looks forward to, offering her a unique opportunity to blend her professional and personal lives in a new setting.

The New Role on “Saturday TODAY”

Joining “Saturday TODAY” as a co-anchor alongside Peter Alexander marks a significant milestone in Jarrett’s career. “I’m thrilled about this opportunity to not only continue delivering news but to do so in a way that allows me to connect with the audience on a different level,” Jarrett expresses. The weekend format of the show provides a more relaxed atmosphere, enabling her to engage in fun and meaningful conversations, something she eagerly anticipates.


A Glimpse into Family Life

One of the aspects Jarrett is most excited about with her new role is the chance to share more of her family life with the audience. “I want the viewers to see the person behind the news stories,” she states. Her journey as a mother, combined with her professional endeavors, adds a relatable dimension to her on-screen persona. She believes that this transparency will foster a deeper connection with the audience, allowing them to see her not just as a journalist but as a working mom navigating the complexities of life.

Embracing the Challenges and Joys of Motherhood

Jarrett’s approach to motherhood is marked by an openness to the challenges and joys it brings. “Every day is a learning experience,” she admits. From managing sleepless nights with a newborn to juggling her son’s activities, she faces the same struggles as any parent. Yet, it’s these experiences that she cherishes the most. “The moments of joy, the milestones, and even the challenges, they’re all part of this incredible journey of motherhood,” Jarrett reflects.

The Support System Behind the Scenes

None of this would be possible without a strong support system. Jarrett credits her family, friends, and colleagues for their unwavering support. “It truly takes a village,” she acknowledges. This support network has been crucial in helping her manage her responsibilities as a mother and a journalist. Whether it’s coordinating childcare or navigating a demanding work schedule, having a reliable support system has been key to her success.

Looking Ahead: Goals and Aspirations

As Jarrett embarks on this new chapter in her career, her goals are twofold: to continue excelling in her profession and to be the best mother she can be. “I hope to inspire other working moms,” she says. By sharing her story, she aims to show that it’s possible to pursue a fulfilling career while being a devoted parent.


Laura Jarrett’s journey is a testament to the strength and resilience of working mothers everywhere. Her transition to “Saturday TODAY” co-anchor, amidst the joys and challenges of motherhood, illustrates her commitment to both her career and her family. As she opens up about her life beyond the news desk, Jarrett invites the audience to get to know her not just as a journalist, but as a mother navigating the beautiful complexities of life. In doing so, she becomes a source of inspiration and a reminder of the power of balance, support, and love in achieving one’s dreams.

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